

Reaction papers

Useful  links

hispanic cultural studies



Dr. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi 
Office: SAC 268,

Phone: 610-519-3069
Office hours:

M-W 4:15 - 5:15 pm or by appt.

Dates and texts


Each week, an assigned student will begin class with a brief (15-20 minute) oral presentation (not reading!)  on one of the course readings. Click here for the list. You may use an outline, but not detailed notes. You are welcome to use power point if you like, but if you do, make sure that you are NOT READING what is written on each slide.



1. Read the article carefully several times

2. Take notes of the major themes and points.

3. Research each word or notion that is not clear to you. Use dictionaries, encyclopedias, the internet, etc.

4. Make sure you understand the main points and every detail in the article.

5. Start making an outline of your presentation and budget your time.


 Presenters are expected to

  •  outline the author’s central argument,

  •  identify key questions and concerns integral to the article, and

  •  offer their own personal responses to and/or observations about the reading.

The presenter should be prepared to assist the professor in leading class discussion of that reading, by asking and responding to questions and controlling the course of the ensuing conversation.


The key to a good oral presentation is preparation and critical analysis.

A simple summary of the reading will not satisfy the requirement.

Be succinct in your identification of the key argument of the piece, as well as creative in your analytical approach and ability to connect the reading to overarching course themes, previous readings, and provocative lines of inquiry.


Your presentation must evidence not only comprehension of the main argument but also an understanding of the terms used in the reading, some of which may be unfamiliar. If you do not understand a term, look it up in the dictionary! If a broader concept is unclear, raise it for discussion in class.


One week after the presentation, presenters will submit a written version of the presentation (4-5 pages long), which takes into account the questions / answers and the the ensuing discussion.


Dates and texts for oral presentation


Fecha Tema Lecturas Presenter

Enero 26

Cultura /  representación / interdisciplinariedad

Lauro Zavala: La tendencia transdisciplinaria en los estudios culturales

1 Sue

Febrero 2

Modernidad / postmodernidad (past and post?) Diferencias esquematicas

Francisco Villena: "La posmodernidad como problemática en la teoría cultural latinoamericana"

2 Marielos


La cuestión del poder. Episteme, epistemología Saber y discurso. Resistencia   Michel Foucault

Cora Escolar: "Pensar en/con Foucault"

3 Shawn


Latin America: locating the subject

Fiddian 1-9, 13-26.

4 Christina


Metropolitan readings

Fiddian: 27-50.  5 Carly

Marzo 9

Discursos de colonización / y de resistencia. El subalterno

"Estrategias postcoloniales: la deconstrucción del discurso eurocéntrico"   

6 Franklin


Identidad / raza / mestizaje /hibridez

Fiddian 51-78.

7 Kelly

Mariátegui, Peru, heterogeneidad

Fiddian 79-119, Cornejo Polar

8 Carlos


Máscaras caribeñas

Fiddian 169-190 9 Noe

Abril 6

La genealogía de Calibán

Shakespeare, Rodó, Retamar: "Caliban"

10 Andres


Transculturación, Ortiz, Mendieta Orientalismo / Occidentalismo Fiddian 141-168. Portuondo: "Ortiz, transculturacion" 11 Stefi


Latin/Americanism Fiddian119-139, Campa Canclini: "Ocho acercamientos al latinoamericanismo" 12 Carolina