
Oral presentation


Useful  links


cultural studies



Dr. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi 
Office: SAC 341,

Phone: 610-519-3069
Office hours:

W 3-4, Th: 4:30-5:30 pm or by appt.

Spring 2012

Th 2:30-4:30pm


RequirementsSources Academic IntegrityFormat TopicsDeadlines Animoto

Definition: Your 2 papers are a short (5 page each) essays based on your readings, class lectures, investigation, etc. You should formulate your thesis and using cultural theories and concepts coherently and in a convincing manner. Make sure your papers reflect a clear thought process and understanding of the topic, in addition to a well-structured  presentation. Use examples and quotes to support your argument, but do not use them extensively, because you will not be able to include all necessary information if you "waste" your space with too many examples or quotes.


A paper should

  • incorporate readings assigned for classes within that thematic grouping (check 'classes' link on the website);

  • evidence clear comprehension of the primary argument presented in each author’s work; and

  • draw connections between the readings and the themes so that the paper is greater than the sum of its parts

REMEMBER! the paper is NOT a simple summary (i.e. not a synthesis) of the readings but rather a comprehensive analysis and critical engagement with the overarching themes, authors and texts covered in that section and in the course as a whole.


Your paper should provide an introduction with a clearly articulated thesis statement that outlines your main position or argument. (in other words, the answer you are seeking to the specific questions you asked about the topic). The substance of the paper is critical analysis, which means you should offer your opinion/reflection based on cultural theories from the readings and from class discussion. The paper should end with concluding statements that address the areas and arguments you have covered and link your conclusion to the opening statement.


You can quote sources other than the assigned readings. However, proper referencing is required both in the body of your paper and in your works cited section.

  • How to document your sources. 

  • How to quote? Direct "verbatim" quotes must be between " ". Non-verbal quotes (when you "borrow" someone's idea but not the exact words) you still need to indicate the source in parenthesis after the reference (see the MLA format).

  • MLA style (Modern Language Association).

  • A section of "Works cited" must be prepared.


Academic Integrity:


  • Length: 5 pages

  • follow the MLA style guidelines (see above),

  • number all pages, double space, and use 12-point Times New Roman font,

  • include footnotes (if needed for comments) do not use footnotes for bibliographical information

  • include a section of Works cited (include only those works you refer to in the paper).

  • submit you paper electronically (virus-free MS Word) using "safeassign icon" of the BB site.

  • How does safeassign work? Click here.



Choose ONE of the following topics and write 5 pages. You have to quote a min. of 5 sources of your research (only 3 can be electronic, at least 2 must be print):


1. How does new historicism understands history compared to "old" historicism? How does each one relate to Modernity and Postmodernity?

2. What is the difference between sex and gender? How is gender (in general) represented in print, visual and other media?



Choose ONE of the following topics and write 5 pages. You have to quote a min. of 5 sources of your research (only 3 can be electronic, at least 2 must be print) Please follow the MLA format:


1. How is cultural phenomena represented in the Media. Does media ownership has any influence on  representation?  Pls. give specific examples and base your arguments in Stuart Halls' theories about the media.


2. How is the image constructed in advertising? What are hyper reality and simulacrum? What are spoof ads? Please base your observation on pertinent cultural theories. (Barthes, Baudrillard, etc)


  • March 1. Upload on BB SafeAssign your paper # 1

  • April  26. Upload on BB SafeAssign your paper # 2

  • Late papers will not be accepted.

  • ________________________________________________________________________________________

Animoto project is due on May 3 to be presented in class

  • The project will be a video presentation that illustrates the paper (either one that you chose) using the Animoto program. You have to make a 1-2 minute video-audio-multimedia project using animoto. You must sign up for Animoto Plus ($30/year)


Using Animoto to Illustrate a Research Topic

You can use either topic for your paper 1 or paper 2.


Creating an Animoto Video

In this assignment you will use a multi-media video application called Animoto to illustrate the main ideas in your research paper. You will illustrate your topic with images, text and music. As you collect these and upload them into Animoto, Animoto will automatically combines these three elements into a "flashy" video, all online and in the Internet "cloud." However, Animoto is not free; you will have to pay $3 to create a "full length video" (about 3 minutes) for the assignment.
Step 1: Go to Animoto.com and join up

Step 2: Create a PowerPoint presentation to be saved as jpeg files and uploaded into Animoto

  • Briefly do a short sentence outline of your Research topic and put sentences onto PowerPoint slides. (About 10)
  • Find and upload at least 7 images which illustrate or relate in some way to the sentences on your PowerPoint text slides.
    • You might want to use Google Images search function to find images for your animoto creation. Open each image to full size and save to your computer. Then upload into your Animoto video.
  • Click here for IMPORTANT advice on Creating an Effective Animoto

    Step 3: Add your PowerPoint presentation to Animoto (see helpful videos showing this process below)

    Step 4: Add Music--slower music means slower slide speed which is helpful for text-based slide reading.

    You can use mp3 files of your own. The music should correspond to your topic in some way. Click on Upload and pick your music file to accompany your video.


    Helpful Videos

    • Old Mr. Patrick's "How to Make an Animoto Video"--
      • Note, if you are watching this video, unlike Mr. Patrick here, you will select "full length" video (not short video). You will be asked to pay $5 to create a "full length" video. Also, be sure to select 1/2 speed for the slide show.
      • Also DO NOT create your text slides in Animoto which only allows for very short phrases--probably not long enough for your Analysis post sentences.
    • Animoto Promo

    From PowerPoint to Animoto

    1. Create and open your existing PowerPoint.

    2. Select save as- and in the save as type (right below the file name), scroll down and select jpeg.

    3. Select save- the dialogue box will ask if you want to export every file, select every slide. You now have a “picture” of each slide.

    4. Logon on to www.animoto.com and create a video (you will upload the jpeg files you just made).

    5. When you are finishing the Animoto, I would select the ½ image pacing (the photos will move a little slower and are easier to read.)

    • Be sure to view your Animoto a few times for readability. Revise text slides that are going by too fast or otherwise hard to read.
    • ALL CAPS is considered “screaming” and hard to read—avoid them
    • Similarly, avoid italics--hard to read
    • Choose a large typeface (12 pt +) because small fonts are hard to read on slides
    • Also, it’s best to stick with one color scheme and one or two font types to give your presentation more unity
    • Be sure to click highlight on text slides, so they'll stay onscreen longer.
    • Also, slower tunes make for a slower slide show--sometimes a good thing in terms of reading ease.
    • Pay attention to slide background color, and be sure text shows up well on it for easy reading. For example, black text can hardly be seen on a dark purple background.
    • Give your Animoto a Title on the first slide, including your name as the creator.
    • Identify any music you use on an end slide.