
Oral presentation


AIS 4100

Capstone Seminar

  Oral Presentation 

Dr. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi 

Spring 2010

TTH 4:00-5:15 pm

Requirements Sources Academic IntegrityFormatTopicsDeadlines



During the course you will have to turn in

  • 2 short reaction papers (4-5 pages)

  • 1 summary of your oral presentation (4-5 pages)

  • 4 one page reports of One book events


  • Seraji Report 1 January 28, 2010

  • Satrapi Report 2 February 16

  • Bowden Report 3 February 18

  • Rubin Report 4 March 16

  • Paper 1: March 25

  • Paper 2: April 13

  • Paper 3: One week after the oral presentation

  • Late papers will not be accepted.

Definition: Reaction papers are short essays based on your readings, class lectures, investigation, etc. You should formulate and describe these concepts coherently and in a convincing manner. Make sure your paper reflects a clear, coherent thought process and understanding of the topic, in addition to a well-structured  presentation. Use examples when possible, but do not use them extensively, because you will not be able to include all necessary information if you "waste" your space with too many examples.


Each reaction paper should

  • incorporate references to at least three readings/viewing assigned within that thematic grouping;

  • evidence clear comprehension of the primary argument presented in each author’s work; and

  • draw connections between the readings and the themes so that the paper is greater than the sum of its parts

REMEMBER! the paper is NOT a simple summary of the readings but rather a comprehensive analysis and critical engagement with the overarching themes, authors and texts covered in that section and in the course as a whole. You are encouraged to use additional sources in your paper. They should be properly documented.


Your paper should provide an introduction with a clearly articulated thesis statement that outlines your main position or argument. The substance of the paper is critical analysis, which means you should offer your opinion/reflection backed up by supporting evidence from the readings and from class discussion. The paper should end with concluding statements that address the areas and arguments you have covered and link your conclusion to the opening statement.


One-page reports on a cultural event that contains a succint description of the event and your reactions to it (you can include critique of the event if you are so inclined.)

Academic Integrity:


  • Length: min. 4, max. 5 pages each paper

  • follow the MLA style guidelines (see above),

  • number all pages, double space, and use 12-point Times New Roman font,

  • submit you paper electronically (virus-free MS Word) using "safeassign icon" of the webCT site.

  • How does safeassign work? Click here.


You can quote sources other than the assigned readings. However, proper referencing is required both in the body of your paper and in your works cited section.


  • Paper # 1.  How postmodern discourse is produced compared to modernity (i.e. objectivity / subjectivity) and what role power plays in the process. Pls. give examples from Arab or Persian  sources.

  • Paper #2:  Develop arguments for and against the clash of civilizations as you understand it (not based only on the Huntington piece) and in the conclusion include your own views.

  • Paper #3: Paper based on the oral presentation