English 2041- Travel Writing Assignment #2

Editing Sheet

Editor:________________________________ Writer:____________________________

Writer: Please turn in this editing sheet along with the draft the editor responded to when you submit your final copy.
Editor: If you didn
t finish editing in class, this sheet should be completed at home and returned to the writer in the following class.

Preliminaries: Read the piece entirely. Then answer these questions:

1.  Check for these items:

Catchy title Yes ___ No___

Interesting lead -- Yes___ No___

Introductory Device— Yes___ No___ Which One?

2. Purpose – Is a clear purpose for article set up in the beginning paragraphs? Yes___No___

Briefly state the purpose/topic for the piece here:


3. Organization

(A). Number the paragraphs in the paper and give each a two-word label.

List paragraphs here:

Label Type of Material: Insights Experiences Research

Other -list type


Do the types of prose (insights, experiences, research) seem appropriately weighted or balanced?  Yes____No____
There should be new information for the reader in each category.


Does the narrative contain themes and concepts that are repeating and unifying factors? Yes___No___
If so, list here:



Are secondary narrative devices (sub plots) used to advance the description, exploration or commentary taking place? 


Are there any abrupt or "unpredicted" shifts in topics? Yes____No____  Should any paragraphs or sections be reordered?  Yes___ No___
Indicate Number of Problem Paragraphs:


Does the writer use spacing, subheads, etc. to indicate narrative shifts?  Yes___ No___



(B). Does each paragraph contain only one main idea? Yes____ No____
Indicate Number of Problem Paragraphs:


4Concluding device— Yes___ No___ Which One? (No summaries please)

5Are transition devices present in the first sentence of every paragraph? Yes___ No___

If not, which paragraphs need them? _______________

***If extra spacing or other typographical mark indicates break in subject matter, a strong transition may not be necessary.  Your Comments:



6.  Development:

Is there enough proof/support for the writer’s purpose in the form of:

Physical Description     Yes____No____

Quotations     Yes____ No____

Dialogue     Yes____ No____

Facts           Yes____No____

History         Yes____No____

Statistics     Yes____ No____

Examples     Yes____ No____

Illustrations     Yes____ No____

Any suggestions regarding needed improvements in areas above?



7. Sentence Level Concerns

Are sentence lengths and types varied? Yes____ No____

Are any very short sentences included? Yes___ No___

Any "freighted" sentences  (specific nouns, verbs, adjectives)?  Yes___ No___

Any "Telescoping" sentences (phrases added at the end of the 1st independent clause) ?  Yes___ No___

Any "super-literal" metaphors?  Yes___ No___

Any "dramatic pauses" from creative punctuation? Yes___ No___

Any melted-together adjectives or nouns? Yes___ No___

Any line-up or break-up metaphors, similes? Yes___ No___

Other stylistic devices studied? Yes___ No___

8. Go to paragraphs 2,3, and 4

Circle forms of "to be" (Is, are, am, were, was, be, been, being)

How many sentences in this section?____

            How many "to be" verbs?____

            What is the ratio of Total # "to be" verbs / # sentences?

            Is it over 30%?___ Yes ___No-- If so, the writer needs to edit out passive constructions.

9. Go to paragraphs 5, 6, and 7

Circle sentence beginnings.

How many sentences in this section?____

How many noun or pronoun begun sentences are there? ________

Nouns = (beauty) or nouns with an article (the Atlantic)

Pronouns = It, this, that, these

What is the ratio of noun begun sentences / # sentences?____

Do nouns begin sentences more than 30% of the time? ___Yes ___No

If so, the writer needs to revise.

10. Check nouns for specificity. Don’t write "dog;" write "apricot poodle." Find four general nouns and suggest more specific alternatives.  Circle these in the text and write the substitute word there in addition to listing the substitutes below.

1.                                                         2.                                                                    

3.                                                         4.

11. Check verbs for specificity. Don’t write "read." Write "skimmed." Find four general verbs and suggest more specific alternatives.  Circle these in the text and write the substitute word there in addition to listing the substitutes below.

1.                                                         2.                                                                     

3.                                                         4.

12. Edit for conciseness. Get rid of 5 unnecessary words and cross them out in the paper. List them here:


13.  Check for comma problems.  Pay particular attention to placing commas after introductory clauses.   Correct these in the text and circle

Did you find any problems?  Yes____ No____  If so, how many?______

14. Underline any grammar problems or unclear sentences. Don't neglect this step. And don’t hold back. It is very important for the writer. How many such sentences did you underline? ___________________